Confidence for Heaven


Do you see that God isn’t so much hung up on where you are at right now, but where He wants to take you? That in spite of what we’re going through, or have done to hurt God, He’s still seeking us out, and offering victory through handing over the reins of our life to Him through faith in Jesus. To change our minds about what we assume, or feel life is all about, and instead embrace who God says life is all about: Jesus. Every individual starts out far from God, but when each one of us calls on Jesus as Lord, we experience forgiveness, salvation, transformation, acceptance and relief. Take a look with me at a passage of the Bible that explains this very simply… 

8 But what does it [the Scripture] say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart”9 (that is, the word of faith that we preach), 9 because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.10 For with the heart one believes and thus has righteousness and with the mouth one confesses and thus has salvation. 11 For the scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” 12 For there is no distinction between the Jew and the Greek, for the same Lord is Lord of all, who richly blesses all who call on him. 13 For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.—(Romans 10:8-13 NET)

Verse 12 tells us there is no distinction in God’s mind among different kinds of people, because everyone needs Jesus’ saving grace, and that God richly blesses all who call on Him! So if you’re thinking that God wants to forgive and change everyone’s life but yours, think again! He wants you! He wants to change your life, because He’s rich in mercy, and love, and wants to include you in His family; not based on what you can do for Him, but based on what He has done for you. This passage reveals what it means and looks like to finally come to genuine faith in Jesus. In verse 9 we learn that if we “confess” or agree with God that Jesus is LORD (the Chief, the Boss, the God who calls the shots), and believe in our hearts that God the Father raised Him from the dead, we will be saved. Did you get that? If we can submit to the fact that Jesus is who He claimed to be (LORD), and recognize that He paid the ultimate price for our sins, Jesus will grant us eternal life by request! In verse 13 we learn that God doesn’t play favorites! Salvation is available upon request to all who recognize our need to change our minds about our need for Jesus, and who are willing to call on Him! This salvation is not available to merely most, or many, but to all who call. And that includes you too. Are you ready to surrender? Are you ready to believe? Are you ready to let Jesus be who He really is? Are you ready to become a true believer? 

Let’s take a look at the 5 steps everyone is on in their journey with God; “Your attitude towards God determines your distance from God. Each ‘step’ describes a heart-attitude & this determines your distance—near or far—from Him. Jesus taught this when He said to the man seeking truth, “You are not far from the kingdom of God”.—Mark 12:34”


1. Unconcern - You may know a great deal about Jesus & Salvation, or very little. The important point is, you do not really care. (John 6:65)

2. Concern - You are aware of your inner and spiritual needs & would like to find answers to them. (Acts 17:26-27)

3. Conviction - You have a strong discomfort & guilt caused by the Holy Spirit showing you your sin & emptiness. (John 16:8)

4. Repentance - You have a deep change of mind & heart & choose to reject & forsake all known sin & the right to run your life independently from God. (Acts 3:19, 8:22, 17:30)

5. Saving Faith - You are prepared to make a total commitment, of all you have, to the rule of the Lord Jesus Christ.“ (Romans 10:8-13)

—E. Murdoch’s ‘Step Up To Life’

So where are you at? I don’t know. Only you and Jesus know the answer to that. But here is what I would challenge you to do…

Call on Jesus in prayer, confessing your sin, surrendering control of your life, and asking for His permanent forgiveness, as you admit He is the Lord God who died in your place & rose from the dead. 

Nicholas Bank

N.R. Bank has had the privilege of preaching and teaching the Bible on a regular basis for 20 years.

He has served in the roles of youth pastor, worship pastor, associate/teaching pastor, church planter, satellite launcher, lead pastor, and is currently serving as the Assistant Director for Step Up to Life Ministries.

Along with a Bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Ministry and Bible from Grace University, and a Master’s degree in Theology (Th.M) from Dallas Theological Seminary, he is certified with the Evangelical Training Association as a graduate teacher, and is a student at Talbot School of Theology pursuing a Doctorate in Advanced Biblical Preaching. His passion is for people to come to know Jesus, and apply His truth to everyday life.

Jesus on Prejudice


Relying More Vs. Trying Harder