Inviting you to experience transformation in everyday moments through greater agreement with Jesus.

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N.R. Bank has had the privilege of preaching and teaching the Bible on a regular basis for 20 years.

He has served in the roles of youth pastor, worship pastor, associate/teaching pastor, church planter, satellite launcher, lead pastor, and is currently serving as the Assistant Director for Step Up to Life Ministries.

Along with a Bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Ministry and Bible from Grace University, and a Master’s degree in Theology (Th.M) from Dallas Theological Seminary, he is certified with the Evangelical Training Association as a graduate teacher, and is a student at Talbot School of Theology pursuing a Doctorate in Advanced Biblical Preaching. His passion is for people to come to know Jesus, and apply His truth to everyday life.


Recent Posts


The Book

This life-changing book is in the works and will be available for pre-order soon.


Audio Messages

Past audio sermon messages are available to download and listen on the go.


Speaking Events

Have a speaking engagement in mind? Reserve a date to have me speak on a number of topics.


Grow in your skills as preachers/teachers and explore Christianity.


What People Are Saying

“Pastor Nick's scripture filled messages and stories of personal experiences are deeply moving!”

- Janice VonHeim

“Pastor nick is an amazing guy. I have been struggling with my own faith and Nick welcomes me with open arms to discuss my fears and my beliefs.”

- Tyler Sorenson

“First time being [at PassageWay Church]. Loved it and Nick is totally awesome!”

— Joy Sonderup

“Nick is an amazing pastor and there are so many welcoming, happy, smiling faces as soon as you walk in [to PassageWay Church]”

- Jewel Klingforth